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Bugs in Your Home: 11 Types That Could Give You Less Sleep

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It’s common to have bugs in your home, but these unwelcomed visitors can be annoying. Spotting one rushing across the room or hiding in the tiniest of holes in a drawer can make you question your hygiene levels, health, and safety. While some are attracted to dirt others seek shelter indoors due to outside climatic conditions. 

Dealing with bugs isn’t easy but there are several ways to manage the problem and prevent an infestation. You can schedule days and times to disinfect your house and seal open cracks by using scents that keep them away.  

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If this is something you regularly deal with, this article will help you to identify types of bugs that might find their way into your house.

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Spotcovery-Bugs in Your Home: 12 Types That Could Dwell in Give You Less Sleep
Ants. Photo by Salmen Bejaoui on Unsplash

Ants are one of the most common types of bugs in your home. They are attracted to the food remnants you leave uncleaned. They also love being around water sources, so if you have some in your house, you’ll find them wandering on counters, kitchen sinks or food areas. Cleaning your house will get rid of the odorous house ants.

Keep pests away from your house by buying insecticide on Amazon.


Spotcovery-Bugs in Your Home: 12 Types That Could Dwell in Give You Less Sleep
A spider hanging on a web. Photo by Gilberto Olimpio on Unsplash

I have spotted spiders lurking in the corners of my windows several times. While they aren’t harmful, it still irks me to see them roam around and create cobwebs on the louvers. I find them most around water points because they enjoy being in moist areas. Spiders get in through openings on your door or windows. 

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House Fly

Spotcovery-Bugs in Your Home: 12 Types That Could Dwell in Give You Less Sleep
Two ants on a stick. Photo by Richard Khuptong on Unsplash

It’s frustrating when a house fly infiltrates your house and keeps circling and getting in your way.  They often enter through open doors and windows and settle near food or garbage bins. 

One way of dealing with flies is: 

  • Emptying the trash cans and closing them with tight lids, 
  • Not leaving dirty dishes on the sink, 
  • Throwing away food remnants 
  • Properly storing food. 

Wafting them is another way of getting rid of them, but may not work as they’ll just settle somewhere else.

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Spotcovery-Bugs in Your Home: 12 Types That Could Dwell in Give You Less Sleep
A cricket. Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

I have witnessed an orchestra of crickets coming up from the bathroom drain. It was a scary experience because I thought an infestation was happening. It forced me to close off the bathroom and flush them out using insect spray. 

If you’re asking where they come from, crickets like damp areas so they can be found in bathrooms and other drainage areas and dark places such as basements. You can use insecticides or a concoction to keep them out.   

Get cleaning supplies on Amazon.


A man stepping on a cockroach. Photo by Nowshad Arefin on Unsplash

Most people, if not everyone, deal with cockroaches frequently. These insects with oval-shaped bodies and long antennae move quickly and catching them can be a nightmare. They also reproduce in large numbers so if you don’t deal with them immediately, it can be a huge problem. 

Cockroaches love food crumbs so clean your space regularly to keep them away. Also, store your food in the pantry in tightly closed containers or wrappers to reduce the chances of spills that can attract them.

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Bed Bugs

A look into bed bugs. Video Credit: National Geographic

Adding to the list of bugs in your home are bed bugs. It can be difficult to spot them because they’re very tiny. They hide in dark corners and can often be found on mattresses, drawers, chairs and carpets. 

They quickly multiply and if they aren’t dealt with rapidly, they can cause an infestation. Bed bugs bite but you can hardly feel it. They leave an itchy bite mark which can swell when rubbed repeatedly. Use insecticides to remove them from your house.

Check out these cleaning vinegars on Amazon.

Fruit Flies

Dealing with fruit flies. Video Credit: BRIGHT SIDE

You might have seen these bugs in your home lying around food residues or fruits. After you eat a banana and leave the peel lying around, fruit flies gather around. Although they seem harmless, they contaminate your food which might cause food poisoning. To prevent this, keep your storage spaces clean and seal your food in tight containers.

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Spotcovery-Bugs in Your Home: 12 Types That Could Dwell in Give You Less Sleep
A centipede meandering. Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash

I have seen centipedes roaming around, but unlike other bugs listed, they aren’t the most common and frankly, don’t cause much damage. That said, you still don’t want to have them around because they may multiply and attract other pests like rodents. Check your bathrooms, kitchen sink and other cracks to flash them out. 


Spotcovery-Bugs in Your Home: 12 Types That Could Dwell in Give You Less Sleep
A bunch of termite. Photo by Morten Jakob Pedersen on Unsplash

You can partly blame the damage to the wood furniture in your house on termites. These insects feed on wood so the mess they leave behind can be costly to you. That said, they are difficult to spot because they hide in holes and cracks. 

You can deal with them by disposing of rotten wood and applying termiticide. Be careful with this as the solution, as it’s harmful to humans. The best thing you can do is to let professionals handle the situation. 


Spotcovery-Bugs in Your Home: 12 Types That Could Dwell in Give You Less Sleep
A mosquito on a surface. Photo by Егор Камелев on Unsplash

It’s one of the most common bugs in your house. These tiny, long-legged creatures thrive at night when lights are switched off. Apart from disturbing your sleep, mosquitos are a health threat. The female anopheles type causes malaria and the Aedes species, the Zika Virus. According to UNICEF Data, 249 million malaria cases were reported in 2022, resulting in over 600,000 deaths. Zika Virus cases declined globally and the last cases reported in U.S. territories were recorded in 2019, according to the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC). You can prevent them by closing your windows and doors early, removing clutter, airing and spraying your rooms.


Rice in weevils. Video Credit: Effective Life Hacks

Weevils find their way to your house through your groceries. They are found in grains like rice, green grams, beans and other dry foods. They lay eggs inside these foods which makes it difficult to notice. So, before you cook grains, sought the grains to remove the weevils and don’t let them meander away. 

Having bugs in your home is stressful. Identifying them helps to learn their behavioral patterns and prepares you to handle them. Most of them aren’t harmful, but they leave a trail of destruction. You can avoid most of them by regularly cleaning your house. We hope that this article helps you to perhaps live a bug-free life. 

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Agnes Amondi
Agnes Amondi
Agnes Amondi is a sports enthusiast who enjoys sharing sports knowledge. Over the years, she has also written on different niches, and she now brings that experience at Spotcovery. She writes sports content and also, Arts & Culture, Recipe, Beauty and more.


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