Saturday, September 28, 2024


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7 Types of Rest You Need To Renew Your Life 

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The world glamorizes productivity, citing it as the main ingredient for success. This probably makes you question your work ethic and so you prioritize your to-do list over rest. This emphasis has led to increased burnout rates in the United States. 

In February 2023, US think-tank Forum Future reported that 42% of its respondents from its survey of 10,243 people were burned out. It’s the highest figure they’ve published since March 2021.

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If you want to combat tiredness and burnout, there are seven types of rest you should practise. Rest, at times, frowned upon, is vital for your daily function and helps you to achieve a balanced life. In this post, we’ll explain each one, how you can incorporate them into your life and their benefits. 

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Physical Rest

A woman sleeping. Photo by Rachel Claire

Physical rest is one of the most popular types of rest. When you stop engaging in your daily task to sleep, have a nap or watch a movie, that’s physical rest. That said, there are many other ways of doing this. For example.

  • Going for massage therapy to improve your flexibility and body circulation
  • Taking a long walk
  • Doing yoga
  • Stretching

These activities relax your muscles and help you to recover. You can take short breaks during work to walk or stretch. You can practise yoga after work, on weekends or days off.

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Mental Rest

7 Signs You Desperately Need a Mental Health Break. Video Credit: Psych2Go

Are you always on your devices working or watching a movie? Perhaps having racing thoughts which prevent you from sleeping or switching off? If so you’re struggling with achieving mental rest. It involves switching off and staying away from thoughts or things that spark mental stimulation. Here’s how you can do this:

  • Schedule breaks from your gadgets
  • Take short breaks during the day
  • Practise meditation
  • Go for long walks without any gadgets
  • Take long baths
  • Set quiet time

Mental rest allows your brain to process information which benefits your productivity. It clears your mind and helps you to think and be more focused.

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Emotional Rest

A couple in a therapy session. Photo by Antoni Shkraba

Do you struggle to talk about your emotions? If so, you’re most likely holding on to a lot of emotional baggage which is unhealthy for your well-being. Emotional rest involves expressing your feelings and taking a break from daily demands. This includes:

  • Spending time alone
  • Avoiding high-pressure situations
  • Doing activities like swimming and meditating
  • Having a therapy session
  • Listening to soothing music 

This is one of the most important types of rest yet we don’t talk about it. Emotional rest allows you to process and reflect on your feelings, recognize triggers and adapt mechanisms to manage your emotions.

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Sensory Rest

A man with a phone in bed. Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Many people carry their smartphones to bed and it’s the first thing they look at when they wake up in the morning. Others also sleep on the couch watching television. This constant stimulation leads to sensory overload.

To combat this, switch off your electronics and sit in a quiet room or go to an environment where there’s total silence. Resting your senses is a good way of reducing stress by clearing your mind.

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Creative Rest

The importance of creative rest. Video Credit: Sequoya

Are you struggling to find ideas for your next project? You might need creative rest. It’s one of the 7 ways to rest and can help you refresh your mind and spark new ideas. You can do the following:

  • Take a break
  • Do other activities
  • Go for a walk

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Social Rest

A man doing yoga. Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Are you tired of constant social interactions? It’s time you have social rest. While you should have a social life, it’s important to have alone time to recharge and reflect on your relationships. You can achieve this by:

  • Having solo activities.
  • Going to new places alone.
  • Reading books.
  • Cutting off unnecessary social engagements
  • Avoid negative people.

Spiritual Rest

A woman doing yoga. Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

Do you feel disconnected from your environment? It’s time you have spiritual rest. Spiritual rest isn’t about not going to church or reading the Bible. It’s about staying away from things that distract your inner being. If you lack a sense of fulfilment from the things you’re doing, you should distance yourself from them. To attain spiritual rest:

  • Meditate
  • Join a worthy cause
  • Prayer

Using Them in Your Daily Life

Learning about different types of rest is the first step to improving your lifestyle. The next is knowing how to apply them in your life. Here’s how.

  • Be intentional about practising rest.
  • Create boundaries around your resting periods. 
  • Practice until it becomes a habit.
  • Find what works for you. As much as it’s important to practise every type of rest, find what works and add the others gradually. 
  • Schedule your rest time in your routine so that you don’t have an excuse for not doing it. 

These are the seven types of rest you should practise to combat regular fatigue and other problems caused by hyper-productivity. Constant work and hustling earn you money but if you aren’t feeling well, you’ll not produce your best work. Remember, your health is your wealth. Do you practise any of these types of rest?

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Agnes Amondi
Agnes Amondi
Agnes Amondi is a sports enthusiast who enjoys sharing sports knowledge. Over the years, she has also written on different niches, and she now brings that experience at Spotcovery. She writes sports content and also, Arts & Culture, Recipe, Beauty and more.


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