Advertising & Marketing

Video Marketing On A Budget For Black Entrepreneurs

Producing high-quality videos doesn't have to break the bank. We understand the importance of cost-effective strategies without compromising on impact. In this guide, we'll...

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: What Black Business Owners Should Know

As a black business owner, you could be targeting to have your brand attract more customers and achieve its goals.  But getting to this isn’t...

The Most Creative Easter Eggs in Advertising Campaigns

Easter eggs have become a popular feature in advertising campaigns over the years. These hidden messages, symbols, or references are a fun and creative way for advertisers to engage their audiences and add an element of surprise to their campaigns.

Why is Crisis Communication Important for Black Businesses? 

Crisis communication is a necessity for all businesses, but it's especially critical for black businesses because of their unique position in society. Black businesses often face systemic and institutional barriers that can make it difficult to succeed, and crises can make these challenges even more acute.

7 Best Email Marketing Tools For Small Black Businesses On a Budget

Email marketing has become an integral part of the digital marketing landscape and one of the most effective tools for small- and large-scale businesses,...


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