There are many causes of hair loss in black males. The most common cause is hereditary. Black males with lots of hair can experience hair loss due to other causes, such as medication and lifestyle.
This article gives information on beauty and health and should not be taken as medical advice. You should consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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While hair loss is natural, it’s important to recognise the early signs so that you can do something about it if you want to. Below are the early signs of hair loss in black males and how to treat it.
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Early Signs of Hair Loss in Black Male
Gradual Hair Thinning
Most of the early signs of hair loss in black males begin at the hairline and the crown. The hair recedes gradually from the front and moves to the middle of the head. This process eventually leaves hair just at the bottom and sides of the hair, creating a U-shape.
Bald Spots
Another early sign of hair loss in black males is the appearance of bald spots on various sections of the hair. You may notice this early sign, but brush it off because it normally appears subtle. However, as time passes, you’ll realize the tiny bald spot becomes bigger due to the receding hairline. Usually, the scalp is itchy, and the hair eventually falls out.
Hair Falling
The most common form of hair loss is falling hair from the roots while you comb. Medical experts advise reducing your stress level, as it mostly causes your hair to fall off. Although falling hair is temporary, it may take a while to restore your hair. The best way to prevent this is to avoid stressful situations and get enough sleep.
Patches of Scaling
Sometimes, hair loss in black males appears as scale patches on the scalp, although the most common place this condition appears is the skin. You’ll notice broken hair and redness at the section of the scalp where scaling appears.
Causes of Hair Loss in Black Males You Should Know
If you’re wondering why you’re experiencing hair loss, check your family history to ascertain male-baldness. Hair loss from the family line occurs gradually as you age. You’ll notice a drastic hair loss at your hairline or thinning of hair at the crown.
Hair loss in black males can also be a side effect of prescribed medication for cancer, heart issues, or high blood pressure. Most times, the hair loss lasts as long as you continue treatment and grows back a few months after the treatment. You should talk to your doctor if you notice hair loss while on certain medications for advice.
Sometimes, using excessive hair treatment options can harm your scalp and cause hair loss. If you’re a black man who keeps an afro and often braids it, you should avoid tight cornrows. Tight hairstyles don’t just affect women, but they affect men too.
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How to Treat Hair Loss in Black Males
Hair Transplant
Hair transplants can restore hair loss in black males. It’s a simple medical procedure where the doctor transfers some hair from the bottom part of your head to the crown and hairline. If you’re considering a hair transplant, talk to your doctor before proceeding.
Eat Healthy
One main natural treatment you can give to your receding hair is to eat healthily. Eating unhealthy food can stall hair growth, irrespective of gender. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, and protein to keep your skin and hair healthy.
Also, remember to stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily.
Red Light Therapy
A low-level laser or cold laser therapy, also called red light therapy, stimulates hair follicles by focusing photons on the scalp. Compared to hair replacement surgery, this therapy is generally safe. However, red light therapy isn’t suitable for everyone.
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Hair loss can affect your confidence as a black male, although the situation is widely accepted and recognized. Noting the early signs can help you gravitate towards treatments that work for you.
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