Friday, July 26, 2024


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Why Technology Is Important in Our Daily Life?

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Have you ever tried going a whole day without using any technology? It is hardly imaginable.

Our daily lives revolve around technology from the moment we wake up until we go to bed. 

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In the past, if you needed information, you had to go to a library and manually search through the pages. But today, technology has made information readily available and easily accessible.

Technology has continued to evolve with the sole aim of solving a problem. In 1887,  Josephine Garis Cochran, a wealthy socialite who frequently entertained, filed the first patent for a successful hand-powered dishwasher. She needed a device to clean dishes quicker than her employees without breaking them. By the 1970s, dishwashers were a typical household appliance in developed nations. And that’s barely the tip of the iceberg when analyzing the importance of technology in our daily lives.

tech girl
Source: Istock

There’s no denying technology has affected almost every aspect of 21st-century life, from decision-making, business, education, security, and healthcare, to socialization and productivity, you name it. The list is extensive. 

In this article, I’ll focus on four practical uses of technology in everyday life.

4 Uses of Technology in Everyday Life

  1. Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Technology has provided us with the bulk of valuable information at our fingertips compared to what was accessible decades ago. And as much as technology has made so much information available, it has also advanced to solve problems.

The world’s largest and most innovative companies, such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook – companies with millions of user data—are already incorporating AI-powered algorithms into their decision-making processes.

A systematic decision-making process will help analyze problems and make the most well-informed and rational decisions for businesses and everyday decisions by uncovering the pros and cons of specific actions you may not have previously considered.

  1. Business Productivity
Source: Istock

Asides from decision-making, the uses of technology in everyday life are also applicable in the business sphere. Technology has provided various automated mechanisms, leading to greater efficiency, productivity, speed, and accuracy in financial matters and management of company data. 

Businesses with multiple branches can easily commute because there is open communication between coworkers, employees, and customers, allowing companies to provide excellent services to their clients. Companies with high demand can temporarily attend to thousands of customers at a go using chatbots, enhancing customer service.

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Today, remote working is a thing. One can easily find a job on the internet and make a living while sitting at home using devices as simple as a mobile phone. From anywhere in the world, one can open an online store, advertise and make sales. All these are results of the advancement of technology.

  1. Health Care
Source: Istock

Technology has extensively impacted healthcare. The sector has experienced groundbreaking technologies, including biotechnology, biomedical engineering, information technology, certain medications, and vaccines, that have remedied millions of lives globally.

The following points out a few of the uses of technology in everyday life in the medical sector:

  • Technology has made information about medical trends, diverse illnesses, symptoms, and prevention accessible.
  • Technology’s use in personalized medication, patient monitoring, and care shortens hospital stays and lowers the cost of care.
  • Through telemedicine, doctors can reach out to patients in their homes and in rural areas.
  • The invention of smartwatches and smartphones allows users to monitor vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse rate. Patients with critical medical conditions can use devices like smart wheelchairs, hearing aids, and contact lenses.
  • The use of the internet to locate a variety of natural treatments and ingredients to improve health, and
  • The development of treatment protocols, drug research, and diagnostics using AI.
  1. Communication
Source: Istock

The Covid-19 lockdown exposed the world to the extent of technological evolution in communication. Online meeting platforms like Microsoft teams, Zoom, and Cisco Webex, made enormous profits as companies, schools, and even churches resorted to online sessions for meetings, classes, and services.

It is safe to say the world didn’t quite recover from the effect of the Coronavirus pandemic on communication. According to real-world usage statistics, Microsoft Teams is the most popular virtual meeting option, with 145 million daily active users.

Asides from the business and education sectors, virtual meetings have enabled smaller gatherings between family and friends. The Wall Street Journal reports that 73% of virtual meetings involve two to four persons.

Technology has succeeded in breaking down the barriers to communication. Today, we can use our phones for more than just voice and video calls; we can also browse the web, access libraries, and do much more.

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Shalom Ngbala-Okpabi
Shalom Ngbala-Okpabi
We learned to read and write in school, and I took mine to another level.


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