October 4 is World Animal Day. It’s a day to celebrate the beautiful creatures that live with us. The World Animal Day was established in 1931 to create public awareness about animal welfare and conservation issues.
It’s also a day for people to show appreciation to animals for their unique abilities. Read on to learn 5 fantastic ways to celebrate World Animal Day.
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History of World Animal Day
World Animal Day was first organized and celebrated in 1925 in Berlin. The publisher of a German animal lovers’ magazine, Heinrich Zimmermann, started this initiative. October 4 is popularly known as the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of animals.
If you would love to learn more about Heinrich Zimmermann and the initiative, get books about him on Amazon.
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Ways to Celebrate the World Animal Day
If you’re animal lover, here are five ways to celebrate the World Animal Day:
Volunteer at an Animal Sanctuary
A super cool way to celebrate World Animal Day is by being a helper at an animal sanctuary. First, find one near your home, and then you can go there to give them a hand. You might help by giving food to the animals, cleaning their homes, or just having fun and playing with them.
Adopt an Animal
Another way to celebrate World Animal Day is by visiting a nearby animal shelter and giving a home to an animal that doesn’t have one. When you adopt an animal, you’re helping them, and it’s like saying, “I’m here to be your friend and take care of you!” It’s a super nice way to show that you care about animals.
Besides visiting local shelters, you can visit websites like BCSPCA to adopt animals. When you visit these sites, you’ll need to view adoptable animals, take note of their location and ID, and fill out the application form. However, you can get guides on Amazon if you’re still confused about how to go about it.
Teach Yourself and Others About Animal Rights
It will interest you to know that animals have rights. So, you can celebrate World Animal Day by researching and learning the problems that are affecting the animal communities.
Learn and teach others about new campaign initiatives, and consider being part of an organization or signing petitions. Use your social media handles to spread the word about animal rights.
Besides learning about animal rights, you can also share information about species seriously at risk of extinction in your area. Ensure to give out information on how people can help and save them.
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Call for Animal Fundraising Campaigns
Animal shelters are vital because they care for neglected or abandoned animals. You can mark this animal special day by creating campaigns to raise funds to support animal shelters.
There are different ways you can raise money for animals. Cake sales, chocolate ban, sporting sweepstakes, morning coffee, and sponsored dog walk are some ways you can raise money for animals. Many books on Amazon discuss animal fundraising in detail. Take your pick.
Assist a Stray in Need
You can provide a meal and take them for vet check-ups. With so much loving tenderness, you’ll be surprised how the animal will blossom.
You don’t necessarily need to do this only on World Animal Day. It’s an act of love you should show every time you have the opportunity.
World Animal Day is a special time to show support and appreciation for animals and their unique characteristics. Following the tips shared here will help you to appreciate and celebrate the animals around you.
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