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Sleep-Deprived: Get Better Sleep With These 9 Tips

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It’s normal for people to feel tired during the day, but it becomes a problem if they can’t get a good night’s sleep. Getting less sleep can be a source of a series of problems. Insomnia is the condition when you have difficulty sleeping. Common insomnia symptoms are tiredness, fatigue, sleepiness during the day and unrestful sleep. These tips for better sleep can benefit your health and improve your quality of life.

 Read this article to learn how to get better sleep.

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Get Better Sleep With These 9 Tips

Source: Freepik
  1. Keep a routine
  2. Get natural light exposure
  3. Remove distractions from your bedroom.
  4. Relax and clear your mind
  5. Start the day with a healthy breakfast.
  6. Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed.
  7. Keep your bedroom environment cool. 
  8. Exercise during the day
  9. Avoid eating late in the evening

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How to Get Better Sleep 

Keep a Routine. 

When you constantly develop many routines over time, it becomes a habit. If you consistently go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, your internal clock will automatically tell you to do the same. Even on weekends when you want to sleep in, stick to your sleep schedule.

You might also wish to read a book, take a warm bath or shower, or listen to relaxing music. Your body will adapt to a regular sleeping schedule thanks to this.

Get Natural Light Exposure

Source: Freepik

If you have serious sleep problems or insomnia, daily exposure to sunlight or bright artificial light can increase the quantity and quality of your sleep.

Your circadian rhythm benefits from exposure to bright light or natural sunlight during the day. Your body responds to sleep by establishing a circadian rhythm that impacts your brain, body, and hormones; as a result, it keeps you alert and signals your body when it’s time to go to bed.

The quality and length of nighttime sleep are both improved by exposure to bright light during the day. Exposure to daylight will help you get better sleep if you suffer from a sleeping issue like insomnia.

Remove Distractions from Your Bedroom. 

While exposure to daytime light is advantageous, nighttime light from your devices can make it difficult to fall asleep. Refrain from using laptops and other distracting electronics in your bedroom to ensure a pleasant night’s sleep.

An hour before going to bed, put your phone away to give yourself time to unwind. Blue light from electronic gadgets like smartphones and tablets lowers melatonin levels, which aid in relaxation and deep sleep. Your brain is coerced by blue light into believing that it’s still daytime.

Additionally, the emotions brought up by reading social media or email can make it more difficult to relax and sleep.

If, however, noises keep you awake, consider using earplugs or a white noise machine to block out the noise. To keep strong light out of your bedroom, use blackout shades. To block light, you might also consider using a sleep mask.

Install a dim nightlight in the hallway or bathroom, or use a small flashlight, if you need a little light to move around safely at night. You’ll find it simpler to get back to sleep as a result.

Relax and Clear Your Mind

It can be quite challenging to get a good night’s sleep if you have unresolved tension, anxiety, worry, or anger from your day. Making an effort to control your overall stress levels and learning to stop worrying will help you relax at night.

A lot of folks have a relaxing habit before bed. For some people, a brief walk is enough to get them relaxed, for others, they may find music therapeutic or meditation. Others could find that it’s a warm bath. Try out various techniques to see which one suits you the best.

Start the Day with a Healthy Breakfast.

Source: Freepik

Eating a balanced breakfast, among many other health advantages, can help synchronize your biological clock by signaling your body that it’s time to wake up and move. 

On the other hand, skipping breakfast may cause sleep disruption since it might delay blood sugar oscillations, deplete energy, and elevate stress.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine Before Bed. 

Your hormones and sleep quality may suffer if you consume a few drinks at night. Even more terrible is alcohol.

Although alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, it can also cause issues with sleeping later in the night and cause tiredness the next day. Consuming coffee or tea in the late afternoon can provide you with an energy boost; however, if you consume caffeine four hours before nightfall, you can have trouble sleeping.

Don’t consume liquids after 6 o’clock, either. If you frequently wake up to use the restroom, cutting back on your alcohol intake and liquids at night may help you sleep for longer periods.

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Keep Your Bedroom Environment Cool. 

Your bedroom setting impacts your sleeping habits. The temperature, the noise, the lighting outside, and the location of the furniture all influence how much sleep you get. Avoid using alarm clocks and instead, rely on your internal clock. Too much light in the bedroom at night gives poor sleep.

Too much light in the bedroom at night gives poor sleep. Hence, avoid using your laptop in the bedroom and use thick curtains to block out light. 

Additionally, your body temperature needs to drop from its regular waking state to enter deep slumber. You can fall asleep more easily if your bedroom is cool 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

It’s advisable to sleep on a comfortable mattress and a flat pillow to help your body relax and avoid back pain.

Exercise During the Day

Source: Freepik

If you exercise regularly, you’ll realize that you sleep better at night and are less drowsy during the day. Regular exercise also lengthens the time you spend in deep, restful sleep. 

Although strenuous exercise is ideal, even mild activity, such as a daily 10-minute stroll, can improve sleep quality.

Avoid Eating Late in the Evening

A late-night meal may impair sleep quality and naturally release human growth hormone (HGH) and melatonin.

An excessive meal before bed can disrupt your sleep and disrupt your hormones. It may be helpful to eat some meals and snacks a few hours before bed. 

You should also eat dinner earlier in the evening, and avoid eating heavy, rich foods within two hours before sleep. Eating late at night affects your bedtime routine. 

You can also talk to sleep experts about sleep supplements or medications.

Congratulations on reading up to this point; you’re one step away from getting better sleep. Remember, don’t be hard on yourself—a step at a time. Remember, before you take any sleep medicine or pills, talk to your doctor. 

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Read Also:9 Black Health Organizations Improving Health Care Access and Outcomes

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Sedi Djentuh
Sedi Djentuh
Hey, Sedi here, a content writer. She's fascinated by the interplay between people, lifestyle, relationships, tech and communication dedicated to empowering and spreading positive messages about humanity. She's an avid reader and a student of personal weekly workouts. When she's not writing, Sedi is busy advocating for plastic-free earth with her local NGO.


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