Health & Medical

Traditional Medicine: 9 Best South African Medicinal Plants

African communities are known for their diverse and extensive medicinal plant life. Africans used traditional medicine to treat ailments and diseases long before the...

7 Challenges Black Nurses Face in the Line of Duty

Since Mary Eliza Mahoney became the first black nurse in the United States, African American nurses' numbers remain low compared to the black population...

How Is Mental Health Viewed in the Black Community?

Mental health is a global issue that affects people across all communities and cultures. But the perception of mental health varies considerably based on...

Why Seeing a Black Therapist Matters

Only 4 percent of psychotherapists in the United States are black despite the population comprising 13.6 per cent of African Americans. This is a...

What Are Some Physical Health Problems in the Black Community?

In today's society, it’s crucial to address the various health concerns that affect different communities. The Black community, in particular, faces specific physical health...


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