House painting can be a lucrative small business with a low barrier to entry. You don’t need a high-quality education to paint houses. Plus, starting a black-owned house painting business is usually cost-effective.
But like launching any business, starting your black-owned house painting business needs a bit of preparation and planning. Here, we’ll take you through the steps you need to follow to launch your black painting business.
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Pick a Business Structure and Register Your Black-Owned Brand Name
When starting a black-owned house painting business, you’ll want to decide your business structure. Do you want to run and control your business alone? Are you opening your black-owned house painting business with two or more people?
You’ll have to figure all these out and pick a brandable and memorable business name. Then, you’ll need to register your black-owned business name. As no one in the United States is using the name, you can trademark it and register your business website domain name. If you’re not certain how to name your business, get a guide on Amazon to help you.
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Obtain Business License
You need a business license to run your black-owned house painting brand. A license is what allows you to legally operate your business within the borders of the United States
The actual license that you’ll need varies depending on the state where you live. So, be sure to check with the Small Business Administration (SBA) or your local Chamber of Commerce to find out what you need.
Registration and licensing can cost between $75 and $400 annually, depending on where your business is located. Your business license needs to be displayed in your office or you’ll present it when asked.
Buy Essential Painting Materials
After registering your business name and getting your license, you’ll need to buy the tool painting tools. The tools you need for your black-owned painting business include extension and step ladders, paint scraper, triangular-load scraper, steel wool, bristle brush, and wire brush.
You need to keep in mind that the type of equipment that you need may vary depending on the particular painting job. Also, the type of materials and equipment you have will play a vital role in how well you deliver the job.
Prepare a Business Plan
A business plan is a roadmap that’ll guide you through all the stages of launching and running your black-owned house painting business. It’s a document that you should consistently visit and revise.
Besides being a roadmap, a comprehensive business plan is needed when applying for funding. You can also use a business plan as a proposal for future partners or potential investors. If you’re unsure of how to create a business plan for your black-owned house painting brand, visit the U.S. Small Business Administration.
They have a straightforward guide and downloadable template that’ll take you through the process. You can also get a comprehensive business plan template on Amazon if you need more help.
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Set Your Price
Your basic painting business price will depend on your business plan. Your pricing is a complete breakdown of your services and the amount you’ll charge per square foot for each project.
Setting your black-owned business painting price from the beginning will save you time for basic interior jobs and remove pricing assumptions, especially for those large projects you don’t supervise. When pricing a project, you can use sites like, Zillo, and Google Earth.
Finding Your First Painting Customer
Housing associates, building contractors, homeowners, and property developers are potential clients for a black-owned house painting business. Landing the first client for your painting business may not come easily.
You need a good marketing message and follow-up techniques that beat that of your competitors. One of the easiest ways to land your first client is to connect with your local realtors and property managers.
You meet them up on-site or send an email. When meeting with potential clients, ensure to go with the pictures of your previous jobs. A couple of books on Amazon teach how to get your first client. You can get one or two to learn more about approaching your client hunting.
Black-owned house painting brand is one of the ventures that you easily start. It doesn’t require expensive education and tools. With six steps shared here, you can easily launch your house painting business.
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