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top travel destinations in the World

Exotic Destinations to Visit in Africa

top travel destinations in the World

Source: yandex.com

Africa – Undoubtedly, it is one of the top travel destinations in the World.
With travel restrictions lifting slowly, people are looking for different locations to travel to. Most people are not even aware of how diverse the landscape and topography of the continent is. It has 54 countries with different weather and activities to do.

So, if your traveling blues are setting in, what better than going to some exotic destinations in Africa? Today, we will guide you about the best destinations which are a must to visit when you travel to Africa. Even though I have been to the continent more than 20 times, there is always something that surprises me.


Top 5 Travel Destinations to Go to In Africa

Source: yandex.com

Top 5 Travel Destinations to Go to In Africa 

  1. Botswana 

If you are into looking for a safari destination, it will not get better than Botswana. There is so much wildlife that will capture the interest of any wildlife lover. The Okavango Delta is the biggest attraction there. At the Tsodilo Hills, one can visit and experience the San history which is rich in heritage and culture. The paintings over there date back thousands of years. 

  1. Laikipia

Located in Kenya, Laikipia is a safari lover’s dream come true. It is home to some of the most exclusive, rare and unusual species of animals like the reticulated giraffe and the Grévy’s zebra. It has a lot of initiatives like tree-planting and is the only all-female anti-poaching patrol in Africa. 

  1. Zanzibar 

One of the most beautiful islands in Africa, Zanzibar is a must-visit if you want to enjoy nature. The crystal clear waters, the peace and tranquillity and the harmony of nature is something that you can enjoy here. The coral reefs and waters can be fully enjoyed by diving into the blue waters to explore nature. 

Top 5 Exotic Destinations to Visit in Africa

Source: yandex.om

  1. Whale Coast

Whether you want to adore the blooms or you want to admire the baleen whales, there is something for everyone in South Africa’s Whale Coast. From quaint cafes to art galleries to fish markets to whale-watching cruises, it has everything. 

  1. Morocco 

Morocco is surely an African country with a European twist. It is close to Europe and that is the reason why it shows the same cultural traits. Djemma el Fna is a must-visit for shoppers. It has a lot to offer along with excellent food available at the food stalls.

These are the top 5 destinations to choose from if you are planning a trip to Africa. Africa has developed a lot in the past few years. Big brands like Careem and Nestle are providing services there. This makes your stay even better. You don’t need to bother waiting for taxis in the heat and can call Careem anytime you like. Loved by most Africans, Coca Cola is available everywhere along with clean drinking water by Nestle.

You will be amazed to see brands like Nike also present. So, you don’t need to worry about your hike in the woods, do you?

References: adage.comSmartertravel.comyandex.com

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